Affordable acupuncture for all

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Why choose Brighton Community Acupuncture?

A fundamental premise of classical Chinese Medicine is to strengthen the constitution. This boosts the immune system, thus supporting the body to fight off any external pathogenic factors, reduce the severity of their symptoms and aid recovery.

Acupuncture treats many internal medical conditions and other ailments. At our clinic we are experienced in helping people needing treatment to relieve their symptoms and deal with the underlying causes of their condition. We also want to make acupuncture available and affordable to those who can’t afford to pay standard rates.

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Many of us may know friends who have used acupuncture for back pain or muscle pain but it has become increasingly popular for other conditions such as acupuncture for anxiety or acupuncture for fertility.

In recent years The British Acupuncture Council, and The World Health Organization have researched a growing body of evidence, showing that acupuncture is effective at treating over 100 serious medical conditions including the following:

Chronic Pain, Back pain, Sciatica, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Sports Injuries, Arthritic Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Headache, Migraines, Sinusitis, Digestive Disorders, IBS, Constipation, Cystitis, Thyroid Disease, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Increasingly women are choosing acupuncture to treat conditions like Menstrual Pain, Premenstrual Tension (PMT), Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, Infertility, and Menopause. Also to support you through pregnancy and after giving birth. It can be used in conjunction with Western Medicine or other natural medicines such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, naturopathy and psychotherapy.

Amadis is very knowledgable and helped me a great deal with burnout, PMS, depression and anxiety
— S Lembs
My sinus issues have practically disappeared. Amadis has provided excellent care coupled with invaluable insight into my health concerns
— Mo
My body started to feel much better after just one month
— Cyril Holas