Affordable acupuncture for all
The aim of Brighton Community Acupuncture is to make acupuncture economical and accessible to as many people as possible of all incomes and means. So patients are seen concurrently in two separate spaces which reduces the overheads of the clinic, in addition to having considerably smaller profit margins.
At this low cost clinic you are treated in your own private space. Unlike standard multi-bed clinics, you won’t have to share a space with anyone else
Your session, as a rule, will overlap with another’s. During the consultation part of the treatment you will have sufficient time to share as well as receive the care and attention you need. Then whilst you are lying on the couch with the needles doing their healing work, I will see someone else in the adjacent room. This way you are ensured sufficient seclusion and quietude to feel safe and relax throughout your treatment.
Payment is on a sliding scale of £25 - £45, according to your means
Given the typical fees for acupuncture in Brighton and environs is £50 a session, what we offer at Brighton Community Acupuncture is treatments at a significantly lower price. This concessionary community clinic does not receive any funding or grants yet is still subject to all the standard running costs of a medical practice.
As the BCA clinic is solely sustained by its patients please pay as much as it is possible for you to afford, based on the income-related payment guidelines below:
The guideline as to what to offer for your treatment is as below:
£25 if you on universal credit
£30 if you’re on minimal income/state pension/student loan
£35 if you are on a low income
£40 if you are on a modest income
£45 if you are on a good income
Recently the price of treatments had to rise slightly to meet the Coronavirus clinical parameters as well as the substantial increase in expenses due to the cost-of-living-crisis. The outmost is being done not to deter people who have little or no income yet need treatment as well as those of you who no longer can afford standard treatment rates. We very much adhere to the policy of low-cost treatment which also enables you to afford the necessary amount of acupuncture sessions that is required for you to get well.
Please pay by cash or BACS.
Cancellation Policy
Please Note - you must give 48 hours minimum cancellation notice otherwise you will be subject to a late cancellation fee. This is required to help support the clinic.
How many treatments will I need?
Acupuncture can be used to treat many conditions and, like all medicine, normally requires a course of treatments in order to be effective and have a longer lasting effect. If you have too few or too infrequent treatments, the therapeutic impact will be insufficient to give you the healing you need. Most experience a significant improvement in their symptoms between five to ten treatments. However, certain chronic and deep conditions can be slower to respond and may require longer-term treatment.
“Acupuncture is most certainly worth trying, especially if you have had little success with other treatments. Amadis sliding fee scale at Brighton Community Acupuncture has made it accessible to the majority of people, which also deserves commendation. ”